
St Mary by the Sea, Torbay

2022 Ministry Unit

Healthy Church Consultation Survey

Welcome to the Anglican Diocese of Auckland "Ministry Unit Healthy Church Consultation Survey", which is commissioned by the Bishop of Auckland.

The Church is called to be an effective sign of God’s Reign. Churches who are living God’s vision demonstrate spiritual health/vitality.

The following features have been identified as indicators of a healthy church.
(1) Inspiring Worship
(2) Vibrant Faith and Prayerful life
(3) Authentic Loving Community
(4) Stewardship and Governance
(5) Maturing Discipleship
(6) Gift Oriented Ministry
(7) Empowering Leadership
(8) Relevant Outreach
(9) Proclaiming the Gospel

As your ministry unit prepares for the future, all members are invited to offer feedback into the health of your life together. Your assessment is a valuable contribution to making your church as effective as possible. The intention of the consultation process is to assist future mission and ministry planning, and the collated data from this survey will help towards this.


This survey has 3 sections and will take about 30 minutes to complete. Please read the instructions for each section carefully.

In Section 1, please rate how true each statement is using the provided six-point rating SCALE. Simply click on the answer button which corresponds with your selection.

When evaluating, please keep in mind the following explanations for each scale descriptor.
Totally Untrue (1) - Hardly ever occurs
Mostly Untrue (2) - Rarely occurs
Somewhat Untrue (3) - Occurs once in a while
Somewhat True (4) - Sometimes occurs
Mostly True (5) - Frequently occurs
Totally True (6) - Nearly always occurs
(N - unable to comment, don't know)

There are no right or wrong answers so please choose a rating that honestly describes your experience and opinion. Please try to give an answer to every question; however, if you are unable to make a fair and reasonable judgement, please select “N” for “don't know”. Please note: The terms Church Leaders or Leadership refer to all those who take leadership roles, whether lay or ordained, paid staff or volunteers.

Section 2 contains a number of questions to give us an overall picture of the people who have responded.

In Section 3, please provide constructive comments to describe what contributes most to, or detracts from your church’s effectiveness and health. Your assessment and suggestions, along with others, is a valuable contribution to making your church as healthy as possible. Please note that only the general themes of the comments will be shared in the workshop sessions but your comments will be included in the final report. Any comments that name particular individuals or are inappropriate will be left out of the final report.

The Survey Findings
Please note that no personal identification is requested. In order to ensure your anonymity, responses in the surveys returned from your church will be collated by an independent organisation and a report will be generated with aggregated summary statistical results and collated comments. These results will be shared in the workshops and will help with planning for mission and ministry.

Thank you for your participation. We hope you enjoy filling out the questionnaire and that, in addition to assisting your church, you find this process helpful in reflecting on your faith, the meaning of your church experience and your hopes for the future. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Archdeacon Jonathan Gale (DDI: 09 302 7283. M: 021 254 3791).

NOTE: Please use the scroll bar at the right to navigate through all the questions in this survey. You will need to complete the survey at one sitting. Once you have answered all questions please ensure that you click the SUBMIT Button. Nearly all the questions are compulsory, so you will be unable to submit your survey until you have answered all the required questions.

Please note that all the questions in the section are compulsory.


1) Inspiring Worship
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
1. Our church worship is authentic, thoughtful, and prayerful.
2. Our worship appeals to all generations represented in our church.
3. I find the worship services spiritually inspiring and I experience God’s love and presence.
4. The music at our church is appropriate in style for our congregation.
5. The music in our church is joyous and life-giving.
6. The sermons apply the biblical text in relevant ways and real life situations to inspire me in faith and action.
7. The worship challenges and encourages me in my walk with God.
8. The sacraments (Baptism and Communion) are celebrated in a way that allows them to be a visible sign of God’s grace.

2) Vibrant Faith and Prayerful Life
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
9. Our congregation seeks the Holy Spirit's direction and empowerment for its daily life and ministry.
10. Prayer, bible study and personal reflection are actively promoted and practiced in our church.
11. Faith in our church is lived out with commitment and enthusiasm.
12. The atmosphere of the church is enthusiastic about how God is working in the faith community.
13. Our church celebrates answered prayers with the people of the church.
14. My prayer life reflects an increasing reliance and faith in God.
15. In our church, we see evidence of lives changed by faith in Christ.


3) Authentic Loving Community
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
16. Our church is intentional in its effort to building up a strong and united sense of community among our congregation.
17. Our church members demonstrate active care and concern for members and their needs in genuine acts of kindness, support and sharing.
18. There is an atmosphere of joy and laughter in our church.
19. In our church there are people with whom l experience good honest relationships.
20. Newcomers are welcomed with hospitality, openness and acceptance.
21. We systematically follow-up newcomers and integrate them into the life of the church.
22. When I see a new person in our church, I make an effort to introduce myself to him/her.
23. Our church takes initiative to attract families with children and youth.
24. We embrace and integrate children and youth into the life of our church.
25. I can count on my church to minister to me if I am in need.
26. Conflict is dealt with in a way that builds relationships.

4) Stewardship* and Governance
(*Taking care of our resources)
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
27. Our church makes effective use of our facilities for community activities (non-church).
28. Our church shares resources with other Christian churches or local community groups.
29. Decisions are communicated to the church.
30. Our church operates the annual budget with financial integrity and accountability.
31. The church weekly bulletin, websites, bulletin boards and modern communication tools provide me with information about church activities.
32. Our church regularly encourages people to review their giving commitment.
33. Our church is characterized by generosity.


5) Maturing Discipleship
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
34. Through mentoring and training our church disciples believers to share their faith.
35. Our church offers relevant Christian education and opportunities for all.
36. In the past 3 months, I have had a meaningful conversation about faith in order to encourage others.
37. My church provides opportunities for me to grow in my spiritual life and faith.
38. I take responsibility to develop discipleship in my daily life and work.
39. I'm building mutual relationships of love, faith and encouragement with others when participating in our various church groups/activities.

6) Gift oriented Ministry
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
40. We are challenged and encouraged to get involved in the ministry/service life of the church.
41. We are trained and supported in the roles for which we volunteer.
42. Our church members are encouraged and given opportunities to use their gifts.
43. We are given opportunities to actively participate in worship service.
44. Members of the congregation understand themselves to be in ministry and seek ways to offer their gifts in service.
45. Ministry in our church is shared across the congregation (rather than just a few).
46. Lay leaders as well as the ordained clergy are offering spiritual leadership and providing congregational care.

7) Empowering Leadership
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
47. Our clergy collaborate with our faith community as they discern God's purpose and vision for the church.
48. Our congregation is aware of and strongly committed to the vision, goals and direction of our church.
49. Inspiring leadership is shown by our clergy to help the church achieve its God-given purpose and shared vision.
50. The clergy are committed to developing and empowering lay leaders in our church.
51. Our leaders, both lay and ordained, provide an example of Godly love, wisdom and compassion.
52. Our leaders build optimism and hope, even in challenging times.
53. Our church is open to change and looks for fresh and innovative solutions.
54. Leaders involve key people at all levels in the decision making process to gain their support.
55. Our church celebrates the contribution of people serving in ministries through their use of gifts.
56. The leadership team demonstrates competence in managing conflict.


8) Relevant Outreach
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
57. Mission and reaching out to others is a central aspect of our church life.
58. Our church is working for a just world within the wider community.
59. Our church prepares our congregation to participate in various outreach activities.
60. Our service to the wider community responds to the real needs of that community.
61. Our church has a diverse group of people taking responsibility for various aspects of outreach.
62. Our church collaborates with other Christian churches in serving our community.
63. I give of my resources/time to serve others in the community.
64. Our church is respected in the local community for its active expression of the love and compassion of Christ, generosity and service to those in need.

9) Proclaiming the Gospel
(Communicating the love and grace of God to all)
Totally Untrue Mostly Untrue Somewhat Untrue Somewhat True Mostly True Totally True don't know
1 2 3 4 5 6 N
65. Our church has programmes and activities that bring the gospel to our community.
66. Our church members are committed to reaching into our community and the world with the gospel.
67. I share my faith with people in my daily life and work.
68. Every year our church has confirmations and baptisms.


Please complete the following section to help us compare data from different groups.

1) Which group best describes you?

2) What is your age?

3) How would you describe your attendance at services?

4) How long have you been a member of this church?

5) How active are you in this church?

6) How attached do you feel to this church?

7) How has your involvement in the congregation changed in the last 1 year?

8) On the whole how satisfied are you with how things are in our church?

9) I would describe the overall health (not just attendance) of my church as:

10a) How likely are you to recommend this church to others?

10b) In the past 6 months, have you invited any friends, neighbors, or newcomers to a service/church activity?

10c) If you would hesitate to recommend this church to others, please tell us why.


This is an opportunity to provide feedback on any topic to identify things you think would improve the health and effectiveness of your church. To help you do this, ask yourself the following questions:

a) What is not working in our church? (Something we should STOP)
b) What should we have in place to improve our church? (Something we should START)
c) What is working well in our church and should be continued? (Something we should CONTINUE)

For each question, please type your answer in the text boxes provided. Please note you need to type something in each box before you can progess to the next question, even if it is ‘no comment’.
If there is more than one congregation in your ministry unit, please indicate which one you are referring to for each comment.

1) List the three most important things we are currently doing that we should STOP.

2) List the three most important things that we should START doing.

3) List the three most important things we are currently doing well that we should CONTINUE.

4) Do you have any other comments?

If the computer does not allow you to submit your survey and prompts you, this means that you have not answered some of the questions. Please answer them.

copyright Anglican Diocese of Auckland and Beyond Consulting, 2022